Amenities & Apartment Information
Property Description
Tastefully remodeled 1 bed in 30 unit lowrise building
Combined living and dining area with hardwood flooring and wall A/C
Updated kitchen included new cabinetry, granite countertops, and stainless steel appliances; dishwasher and industrial hood
Good sized bedroom with ample closet space
1 parking spot included with additional parking ava...
Map & Nearby Areas
Benjamin G Brown School
Public Elementary School, Grades: K-5
Friendship Auto School
Driving School
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Price Comparison
This apartment is above the average price of $2,484 for 1 bedroom apartments in Somerville. The unit includes some utilities. If you consider the cost of paying for these utilities separately, you may find that having them included in the rent saves you money. The other amenities this apartment offers, along with its condition, location, and size, can also contribute to the above average rent price. Use the contact form to schedule a showing or request a rental application. This listing may not last much longer.
Rent Calculator & Affordability
Recommended Annual Gross Income
Rent Calculator
How much do you (or your cosigner) earn each year before taxes?
Apartment Frequently Asked Questions
Where is this apartment located?
This apartment is located in Somerville's Magoun/Ball Square neighborhood.
How many bedrooms does this apartment have?
This apartment has 1 bedroom.
How many bathrooms does this apartment have?
This apartment has 1 bathroom.
What is the monthly rent?
The monthly rent is $2,900 for this 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom apartment in Somerville's Magoun/Ball Square neighborhood.
Does this apartment allow pets?
This apartment allows cats and dogs. Remember to ask your agent about the quantity of pets tenants are allowed to have, as well as any dog breed restrictions.
Is parking available?
Parking is included when you rent this apartment.
Are heat and hot water included?
Heat and hot water are included in the rent.
What other amenities does this apartment have?
This apartment has other amenities including in-wall air conditioning units, a dishwasher, a disposal, a microwave, granite countertops, and stainless steel appliances.