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Houses for Sale in Chelsea, MA
Chelsea is an energetic industrial city across the Mystic River from Boston. Part of Suffolk County, it encompasses 2.21 square miles, making it the smallest city in the state. Since 2005, Chelsea has had an economic growth spurt of both housing and business development. The population has grown to approximately 40,227 people, making it the second most densely populated city in the Commonwealth. The estimated median home value is $333,481. The approximate median house price is $320,915. Due to its rapid growth, houses for sale in Chelsea, MA can be a good real estate investment.
Chelsea’s original name was Winnisimmet. The Native American tribe that once occupied the land gave the town its name, which means “good spring nearby”. In 1624, the first European occupant, Samuel Maverick, settled in the town. In 1634, Maverick sold the town, excluding his house and farm, to Richard Bellingham. Until 1739, Winnisimmet was part of Boston. When it became a separate town, the town government named it Chelsea after a section of London, England.
Chelsea had a significant role in the Revolutionary War. In 1775, rebel forces fought the second battle of the war there, the Battle of Chelsea Creek. During this battle, revolutionary forces succeeded in capturing a British ship. During the Siege of Boston, George Washington stationed some of his troops in Chelsea.
In 1841, Saugus MA appropriated part of Chelsea. That area is now Revere and Winthrop. In 1857, the residents of Chelsea reincorporated as a city. By the middle of the century, Chelsea was an industrial giant in sailing ship manufacturing. When steam power replaced sail power, Chelsea replaced shipbuilding with the manufacture of stoves, rubber, elastic products, shoes, boots, and adhesives.
In 1908, a horrific fire destroyed almost half the city. The homeless population grew to 56% of the inhabitants. This forced Chelsea to rebuild, so it took the opportunity to widen the streets. This gave emergency vehicles greater access to the population.
By 1919, Chelsea had become an industrial hub. As a result of its growth, the population increased to 52,662. The major industries at that time were lumberyards, paint companies, shipbuilding, and metalwork companies.
Water surrounds Chelsea on three sides. The town of Chelsea resides on a small peninsula in Boston Harbor. To the southwest is the Mystic River. On the west side are Chelsea Creek, Mill Creek, and the Island End River.
The terrain of Chelsea is mostly coastal lowlands. There are also five drumlins – one in the northeast (Powderhorn Hill), northwest (Mount Washington), southeast (Mount Bellingham), southwest (Admirals Hill), and east (Mill Hill). The rolling landscape divides the city into distinct neighborhoods. These neighborhoods include the Box District, Addison-Orange, Bellingham Square, Chelsea Square, Carter Park-Wyndham Area, Chelsea Commons, Waterfront District, Prattville, Mill Hill, and Soldiers Home.
If you buy one of the houses for sale in Chelsea, MA, you will find it very easy to travel through the city. The Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority Commuter Rail furnishes service from Boston’s North Station to the Chelsea station. You need to take the Newbury/Rockport Line. In addition, the MBTA supplies local services to nearby cities.
The William A. Berkowitz Elementary School
This school is located at 300 Crescent Avenue and provides for children in grades one to four. At the present time, they have approximately 541 students. The student to teacher ratio is fifteen to one.
Edgar F. Hooks Elementary School
This school is located at 300 Crescent Avenue. The goals of the school are to develop and expand mathematical and literacy skills, encourage the involvement of the family in academic achievement, and advance social and emotional development. This school serves grades one to four.
George F. Kelly Elementary School
This school is located at 300 Crescent Avenue and serves grades one to four. The academic focus of the school is to teach the conceptual skills in order to become proficient in science, history, reading, mathematics, and writing. Educators focus on the strengths needed to succeed in life – communication skills, critical thinking, good decision-making, and effective problem solving. The student teacher ratio is 16:1. The current student population is approximately 571 students.
Francis M. Sokolowski Elementary School
This school is located at 300 Crescent Avenue and serves children in grades one to four. The student to teacher ratio is 14:9. The approximate number of students is 568. Their goal is to have all students reach the proficiency level on state mandated assessments.
Joseph A. Browne School
This school is located at 180 Walnut Street and serves students in grades five to eight. Their goal is to teach students the critical thinking skills necessary for success in academics and life.
Clark Avenue School
This school is located at 8 Clark Avenue and serves children in grades five through eight. Their approach is co-teaching of a core instructional model. There are approximately 645 students enrolled at this school.
Wright Science and Technology Academy
This school is located at 180 Walnut Street It is located in the Williams Middle School Complex and serves students from grades five to eight. Their focus is on the acquisition of academic, social, and technological skills. The student to teacher ratio is 16:1. The number of students in the school is approximately 535 children.
This school is located at 180 2nd Street and is an academy charter school. They serve students in grades five to eight. At the present time, there are approximately 230 students.
Charter schools differ from public schools in several ways. The classes progress smoothly because classroom management rules are strictly enforced. The school community focuses on college preparedness. A team approach enhances both academic and behavioral goals. The students and their families are encouraged to contribute to the community and the world. They raised money for the homeless, ProjectBread, local shelters, epilepsy awareness, hurricane relief, and the American Heart Association.
Phoenix Charter Academy
This school is located at 59 Nichols Street. It is a successful college preparatory high school and enrolls approximately 170 students. The student to teacher ratio is 12:1. They report a 100% college acceptance rate.
St. Rose School
This is a private school for grades KO to Grade 8. It is located at 580 Broadway.
Chelsea High School
Chelsea High School is located at 299 Everett Avenue. This school features a 400- seat auditorium, a large library, computers classrooms, and current design science classrooms. They focus on both academic skills and emotional skills.
Bunker Hill Community College – Chelsea Campus
Bunker Hill Community College – Chelsea Campus is located at 70 Everett Avenue. People looking for houses for sale in Chelsea, MA should consider the availability of this valuable resource. You can earn an Associate Degree in Arts, an Associate Degree in Science, and numerous degrees and certificates. The list of programs would be too long to list. This is a partial summary of the disciplines they include.
Office administration
Computer skills relating to business and medicine
Criminal Justice and Security
Culinary Arts
Data Management and Programming
Early Childhood Studies
Fire Protection and Safety
Computer Gaming
Human Services
Information Technology
Various medical degrees and certificates
Network Technology
Paralegal Studies
Paramedic Studies
Registered Nursing
Visual Design
Web Development
Places of Interest and Historic Sites near Houses for Sale in Chelsea, MA
Chelsea Public Library
Chelsea Public Library is a beautiful building located at 569 Broadway. This library does more than loan out books. They provide resources needed by the community such as technical information and continuing education. This library has everything a reader or researcher needs – 51 databases, 3,612 video materials, 71,277 books, 108 print serial subscriptions, and 2,204 audio materials.
Chelsea Garden Cemetery
Chelsea Garden Cemetery is beautifully landscaped in the rural cemetery style. It is located at 70 Center Street and its boundaries are Central Avenue, Shawmut Street, and Chester Avenue. The city of Chelsea built it in 1841 and it was the first cemetery within the city boundaries. In 2001, the National Register of Historic Places added Chelsea Garden Cemetery to its list.
The cemetery covers approximately 3.2 acres and the network of paths conveys a park-like ambience. Buried in the Soldiers Circle are deceased from the Civil War. People who live in houses in Chelsea, MA who are interested in history will have to explore this entire cemetery. The graves are not in chronological order. The first burial occurred in 1841. Sadly, the 1908 fire consumed the historic wooden gatehouse.
Bellingham Square Historic District
After the 1908 fire, this district became the center of government and business. The town of Chelsea had to completely rebuild it after the fire. Now, it contains the Public Library, City Hall, and the campus of Phoenix Charter Academy. In 1985, the National Register of Historic Places added it to its list.
Bellingham – Cary House
34 Parker Street is home to the Bellingham-Cary House, which is now a museum. In 1659, Richard Bellingham built the original structure. The house had major reconstruction work after that. In 1974, the National Register of Historic Places listed it.
Richard Billingham was one of the founders of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. He arrived in Boston in 1634 and was the governor for three terms. He bought most of the land that is now the town of Chelsea. The house he built in 1659 was his hunting lodge and summer home. After Richard Billingham’s death, the Cary family acquired a quarter of Billingham’s property including the house. Cary gradually increased the house until 1791. Cary completed the last expansion in 1791 and the house has maintained its present appearance.
After the death of the Cary family, developers purchased most of the farm. The Governor Bellingham-Cary House Association now owns the house. In 2006, the house won the Massachusetts Historical Commission Preservation Award.
C. Henry Kimball House
This gorgeous Queen Anne style house is located at 295 Washington Avenue. Charles Henry Kimball built this house around 1896. It has 2.5 stories and is wood framed. The National Register of Historic Places listed this house in 1982.
Charles Henry Kimball developed heated vehicles. This revolutionized the transport of vegetables. He also helped develop the Chelsea produce exchange.
Congregation Agudath Shalom
The Congregation Agudath Shalom has other names – Agudas Sholom, the Walnut Street Shul, and the Walnut Street Synagogue. This beautiful Romanesque style synagogue is located at 145 Walnut Street. The congregation built it in 1909, one year after the great fire destroyed a third of the structures in Chelsea. The wall and ceiling frescoes, painted by immigrants, are remarkable. A famous Boston-area cabinetmaker, San Katz, created the Torah ark. The National Register of Historic Places added the synagogue to its list in 1993.
In 2016, Congregation Agudath Shalom hired Rabbi Lili Kagedan. She became the first female rabbi of an Orthodox synagogue in the United States.
Downtown Chelsea Residential Historic District
The Downtown Chelsea Residential Historic District encompasses twenty acres. The streets that provide its boundaries are Bellingham Square, Marginal Street, Shurtleff Street, and Division Street. The Early Learning School is part of this district. Before the 1908 fire, this district contained a number of community buildings including City Hall. The architectural styles of the present buildings are Italianate, 19th and 20th Century Revivals, and Greek Revival.
Chelsea Clock Company
People looking for houses for sale in Chelsea, MA will enjoy viewing this very unusual company. The Chelsea Clock Company is one of the last remaining American clock companies. Founded in 1897, it is still making clocks for individuals and corporations. In 2015, Chelsea Clock Company moved to a new location close to its old building. In addition to clock manufacturing, the company repairs clocks.
Parks and Green Spaces near Houses for Sale in Chelsea, MA
Kayem Park
This is an adorable little playground park located at Chestnut Avenue and 5th Street. There is also plenty of space to sit and relax.
Dever Park
This park contains a basketball court and is located at 60 Gillooly Road.
Kaboom Park
This playground and community garden was a humanitarian enterprise. The community received help from local volunteers, local businesses, government offices, local organizations, KaBOOM, and Disney’s VoluntEARS from New York. These amazing people built this playground in six hours! The playground contains a rock climbing wall, slides, and jungles gyms. The community garden gives families the opportunity to grow fruits and vegetables.
Eden Street Park
This park is a .22-acre playground. It is located at Eden Street between Addison & Blossom Streets.
Port Park
Port Park is located at 99 Marginal Street. It is an amazingly creative green space. There was once an oil terminal there but now it is a beautifully landscaped park. A tugboat wheelhouse and former foam cannons are now play items for children. The foam cannons are now water cannons that children can use for sprays on hot days. There was a loading rack for the marine dock that is now an observation tower and a stage. There is also a basketball court and a track. Many people enjoy the views of the waterfront and the bridges.
O’Neil Park
This playground is located at Beacon & High Streets. Though it is only a .08 acre, it has a brightly colored playground and gardens.
Mystic River Overlook Park and Dog Park
This park is located at the Lower End Broadway/Under Tobin Bridge. The park encompasses 2.2 acres and has .3 miles of trails. The city has equipped the park with new lawns and cross-fit equipment. It also has seating to view the lovely Boston skyline.
Carter Park
This park is located at Carter Street and Orange Street. It covers 2.96 acres and has sports fields and a playground.
Voke Park
Voke Park is located on Washington Avenue. It covers 3.338 acres. This park has beautiful shade trees to help you relax. There are plenty of benches to watch children on the playground or to watch the baseball or basketball games. This is a great place to picnic or stroll.
Mary O’Malley Park
This magnificent park covers 15.335 acres and has two major entrances – Chelsea Waterfront at the base of Broadway and Chelsea Waterfront at the base of Spruce Street. Mary O’Malley Park has something for everyone. For people living in houses in Chelsea, MA this is a perfect place to get in touch with nature. This is Chelsea’s largest park and provides exquisite vistas of the Boston skyline, the Tobin Bridge, the Island River, and the Mystic River.
In addition to the lush lawns, there are hundreds of beautiful trees. People report seeing aquatic birds such as ducks, red-tailed hawks, egrets, and cormorants. Exercise and sports are also available in the park. There are paths, a playground, and tennis courts. When you want to enjoy a picnic, there are plenty of picnic pavilions. Near the water’s edge is an extraordinary “Fish” sculpture by artist William Wainwright. The Annual Kite Festival is a fun event held in Mary O’Malley Park.
Mill Creek Riverwalk
Mill Creek connects to Chelsea Creek. This area is environmentally crucial because it is a natural habitat for shorebirds and marine life. This is a breeding ground for Atlantic cod, Atlantic sea herring, flounder, smelt, Atlantic butterfish, American eel, Atlantic mackerel, red hake, and pollock. Many birds rely on this life cycle to provide them with food. On this Riverwalk, you might see herons, egrets, cormorants, and swans. This is a place provides a tranquil break from a busy day.
There are many more parks and green spaces for people living in houses in Chelsea, MA. Some of them are Bosson Playground, Chelsea Square, Cordero Park, Highland Park, Howard Park, Island End Park, John Ruiz Park, Mace Tot-Lot, Malone Park, Polonia Park, Quigley Park, Scrivano Park, and Washington Park.
The community gardens available in Chelsea are Chelsea Community Garden, CND Community Garden, and TND Community Garden.
Entertainment near Houses for Sale in Chelsea, MA
Dillons Russian Steam Bath
Though the idea of a steam bath might seem unusual, the practice has been popular for hundreds of years. Dillon Russian Steam Bath is located on Chestnut Street at the corner of Williams Avenue. Chelsea is the proud owner of the oldest steam bath in the United States. Historians trace this practice of the Schvitz back to Russia and Eastern Europe.
Everyone knows that warmth and water have healing qualities. Hot granite rocks heat the steam chamber and provide stress relief and an amazing sense of relaxation. The new owner, Lisa Rizzo, knows how to combine modern amenities with ancient traditions.
You can also get a platza, an oil rub administered by a masseuse. Dillons has showers, a snack bar, a lounge, a traditional wet steam room, and a large screen television. If you live in a house in Chelsea, MA, this is the ultimate in tension relief.
Apollinaire Theatre Company
This is a professional theatre company located at 189 Winnisimmet Street. In addition to their three theaters, they have three studios available for auditions, performances, rehearsals, and classes.
Vietnam Veterans Memorial Swimming and Wading Pool
This pool is located at 184 Carter Street. A lifeguard is on duty when the pool is open. This facility offers swimming lessons.
Boston Playground
Don’t despair if the Boston weather isn’t cooperating with your playground plans.
This playground is indoors and has play space for children ages one and up. It lets you relax and enjoy the fun. Conveniently located at 121 Webster Ave. #3, Chelsea, MA, it’s a great place to rent for parties.
The Chelsea Art Walk
This is Chelsea’s music, art, and performance festival. All artists are welcome to participate in this event. There is no charge and it is open to visitors. There is even a scarecrow competition at the Chelsea Community Garden. It is a perfect place to become acquainted with your neighbors and local artists.
Archery Games
Archery Games is located at 121 Webster Avenue. For people living in houses in Chelsea, MA, this is another venue for sheer pleasure. Two teams battle with foam tipped arrows. When an opposing player tags someone, that player is out of the game. The team with the most players standing wins. It is perfectly safe and you do not need previous archery experience. The staff trains everyone before the games. Children must be at least ten years old to participate. Archery Games provides facemasks. This venue is very popular for birthday parties and corporate events.
Restaurants, Bars, and Pubs near Houses for Sale in Chelsea, MA
CIAO! Pizza & Pasta
CIAO! Pizza & Pasta is located at 59 Williams Street. It has received many accolades. The locals regard it as the best for Neapolitan Pizza in Boston. “Yelp” rated it in the 100 Best Places to Eat in America in 2017, 2018, and 2019. “Food Network” listed it in their Best Pizzas in America’s Biggest Cities. “Boston Magazine” calls it Best Pizza in 2017.
Not only do they have the best pizzas, they also have some of the most creative. Funghi pizza has homemade ricotta, wood-fired roasted mushrooms, truffle oil, arugula, and garlic. Uovo pizza has potatoes, mozzarella, roasted onions, bacon, and soft egg. Prosciutto Di Parma pizza has gorgonzola, port and fig jam, and fresh mozzarella. Guanciale pizza has gorgonzola, roasted apple, Brussels sprouts, balsamic, and guanciale. This is the place for a pizza aficionado!
Populus Tapas & Bar
Populus Tapas & Bar has all the ingredients for a fun night out – food, drinks, and music. There is a dance floor and live entertainment with a DJ. So, enjoy the tangy tacos in this festive atmosphere.
Newbridge Café
Newbridge Café is located at 650 Washington Avenue. Many people say that they have the best steak tips in town. The earthy atmosphere will bring you back to a time when neighborhood restaurants focused on being the best in the neighborhood. They have Italian favorites and a children’s menu. Sorry vegetarians; this is a meaty place.
El Santaneco Restaurant
This restaurant is located at 24 5th Street. If you live in a house in Chelsea, MA, this is a terrific place to try for a change of pace. This family oriented restaurant serves Salvadorian and Latin American cuisine. The breakfast menu is reasonably priced and has dishes you will not find in most other restaurants. In fact, their whole menu is reasonably priced. They have meat dishes such as plato montanero, chuleta a la parrilla, and carne de res guisada. They also have a wide range of fish dishes such as camarones empanizados, mojarra frita, and salmon a la plancha.
Chelsea Station Restaurant Bar and Lounge
This American pub is located at 105 Everett Avenue. It is in a historic firehouse and has a large menu. There are some great choices for vegetarians so everyone who dines here can find a delectable dish.
Chung Wah
Chung Wah is located at 460 Broadway. If you are in the mood for Asian food, this is a good place to try. The menu is huge and very inexpensive. Try a few dishes to share with friends. There are many choices for vegetarians and there are many combination plates.
Welcome to Chelsea
Chelsea has so much to offer and has so much fun waiting for you. Houses for sale in Chelsea, MA sell quickly, so if you are interested in living here, don’t wait; Tour them today!