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1 Lead, 10 Commissions: The Power of Relationship Building in Boston Real Estate

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Boston Real Estate Relationships

In real estate, success is often measured by the number of deals closed and the commissions earned. But what if I told you that true success in this business is less about the transactions and more about the relationships you build along the way? The story of “1 Lead, 10 Commissions” perfectly illustrates this idea, showing how genuine care and excellent service can transform a single opportunity into a thriving, ongoing cycle of success.

Boston Apartment Rental

The First Step: A Simple Apartment Rental

Let’s start at the beginning. Imagine you’re a real estate agent who just closed your first Boston apartment rental deal—a modest beginning, but a crucial first step in your career. The clients? Four young professionals, fresh out of college, eager to start their careers in the city. They needed a place to live, and you were there to help them navigate the rental market, ultimately finding them the perfect apartment to share.

It could have ended there—a straightforward lease, a single commission. But instead of simply moving on to the next client, you saw this as an opportunity to build a relationship. You took the time to understand each of their needs, provided exceptional service, and ensured their experience was smooth and stress-free. They appreciated your dedication and professionalism, and soon, you received two more referrals from this group of friends. One lead, now three commissions. You would be surprised at how many commissions you can make if you show your clients the most apartments and work the phones hard. When you get them a great deal you will see that you develop raving fans and they start sending business to you.

two family

The Following Year: Expanding the Commission Tree

Fast forward a year, and that same group of friends you rented an apartment is ready for a change. They’ve outgrown their shared apartment and are looking to move into unique living arrangements that best fit their current needs. Life in the big city is often fast and furious and exciting new jobs and relationships spring up but your clients never forget your great service. If they came to you for a four bedroom apartment; never been surprised if next year they ask you for a new bedroom or one bedroom apartment in perhaps a different area. Naturally, they turned to you—the agent they trust. Two of them decided to lease a two-bedroom apartment, the other a studio, while the fourth had a different plan.

During your conversations the previous year, you had discussed the idea of investing in an owner-occupied two-family property. Instead of settling for a condo, this client took your advice to heart and spent the year saving up for a larger down payment. Now, they were ready to take the plunge, and you were there to guide them through the process.

You helped them purchase a two-family home, and even assisted in finding tenants for the other units—a roommate for the first floor and a couple for the upstairs unit. With these transactions, your initial lead had now grown to eight commissions. You can see how things are really starting to explode in terms of your growth and commissions earnings.


The Power of Genuine Connections

But the story doesn’t end there. By the end of the year, you’ll have received two more referrals from this network of clients, bringing your total to ten commissions—all stemming from that single rental deal. This is the power of relationship building in real estate.

The key to this success wasn’t just your market knowledge or negotiation skills; it was the genuine connections you built with your clients. You listened to their needs, offered expert advice tailored to their situations, and stayed in touch even after the deal was done. You became more than just their real estate agent—you became a trusted advisor. Now, it certainly doesn’t hurt to have a massive real-time database with the most listings at your fingertips; you can show them the widest possible options in the shortest period of time. If there is one thing we have learned over the years is that customers love operational effectiveness and efficiency. When you can show them the most properties in one showing they really start sending other people your way. Clients know the difference between an agency or broker that has a lot of listings and keys vs. a bare boned national brand or smaller office.


Nurturing Relationships: From Seed to Tree

Real estate is a business that thrives on relationships. Like nurturing a small seed that eventually grows into a tree with many branches, your initial efforts with one client can lead to multiple opportunities over time. Many renters eventually become buyers, and those who experience exceptional service are likely to return to you when they’re ready to move again or invest in property. You can also significantly accelerate this process when you have an office where the phone lines ring non stop with highly qualified renters calling on the best places that your prominent website is displaying. A lot of times clients keep coming back to you when they know your ecosystem simply attracts the most and best landlords and listings.

The takeaway here is simple: focus on building long-term, professional relationships with your clients. You also want to surround yourself with the best real estate platform. By providing excellent service, listening to their needs, and offering valuable advice, you’re not just closing a deal—you’re planting the seeds for future success. Even if your client doesn’t know someone looking for a home right now, if they leave you a meaningful Google review then other clients will reach out to you based on that review.

So, the next time you help someone find their first apartment or purchase their first home, remember that this could be the beginning of a much larger journey. One lead really can lead to ten commissions, and perhaps even more. All it takes is a genuine approach, a commitment to service, and a desire to grow relationships that last. If you’re interested in joining the Boston Pads team, contact us today!

Demetrios Salpoglou

Demetrios Salpoglou

Published August 26, 2024

Demetrios Salpoglou is the CEO of which is an information and technology based services company that provides cutting edge resources to real estate companies. Demetrios has developed over 90 real estate related websites and owns hundreds of domain names. Demetrios also owns and operates six leading real estate offices with over 120 agents.

Demetrios has pulled together the largest apartment leasing team in the Greater Boston Area and is responsible for procuring more apartment rentals than anyone in New England – with over 130k people finding their housing through his services. Demetrios is an avid real estate developer, peak performance trainer, educator, guest lecturer and motivational speaker.