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It May Make Sense To Relocate To Boston If You’re Working From Home

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working from home

Have you ever dreamed about living in Boston? It’s an incredible city full of interesting things to do. In fact, there is literally something for everyone in Boston. That’s why so many people move here each year. Did you know that now is the perfect time to rent an apartment in Boston? This is due to two (2) important factors. First and foremost, if you are now working from home, you can literally live wherever you want throughout Greater Boston. You no longer need to worry about the commute to and from work. If you choose to relocate to Boston, there are plenty of great apartments that have been renovated and are ready to rent.

Second, and incredibly important, the monthly rents in Boston are down by as much as 5 to 20 percent depending on the Boston neighborhood you are seeking. This is due to the Covid pandemic. Many of the colleges are currently on remote learning. That means students are staying with their parents instead of moving into apartments in Boston. Now is the perfect time to advantage of this. The Covid pandemic will not last forever. When it ends there will be a flurry of activity regarding apartment rentals in Boston.

If you’re worried that work might call you back into the office or facility when Covid ends, you may want to grab an apartment now, and try to sign a longer-term lease so that it works in your favor. Many businesses across the country are finding that it’s more cost effective to keep their employees working from home. Why not go find a new apartment of your dreams today before the market tightens up?

Check with your HR department

You will want to double check your company’s position on the long term prospects of working from home. You may even find that they will give you a choice. Some companies are outlining that they will allow hybrid work situations where you only need to come to the office two or three days per week so your overall commute might not be that bad. If you enjoy the benefits of working from home, you may be able to make it a permanent situation. In fact, it may make sense to relocate to Boston now that you’re working from home.

Parking cost savings Boston

The Cost Savings

Traditionally speaking, Boston has a high cost of living. We’re informing you of this in order to avoid sticker shock when you start apartment shopping. You need to keep a few things in mind. Rents are now lower due to the Covid pandemic. Some of your other expenses will go down or be eliminated. For example, you may not need an automobile if you live in Boston. There are plenty of options when it comes to public transportation. You can take the T to get around in the form of trains, trolleys, and buses. Ride sharing services also cut down on costs. There are also a lot more delivery services so convenience can mean a more effective lifestyle to work on bigger work and life goals.

So even if your monthly rent is slightly higher in Boston then it is in the suburbs, you will still end up saving money just by eliminating your car from the mix. Let’s say that your monthly rent in the suburbs is $2,000 per month. If your rent in Boston is $2,500 per month it will cost $500 more per month. However, you are saving $650 per month by getting rid of your car. That means you are still $150 per month ahead of the game. Plus you will be in city to take advantage of all it has to offer.

Waiting in T

Moving To Boston Will Save You Time

Just think about how much extra time you spend getting from place to place where you currently live? This holds especially true if you live in the suburbs where everything is so far away from each other. The good news is that you won’t waste time like that while living in Boston. In most Boston neighborhoods you are located close to most everything that you need. This includes grocery stores, clothes stores, and every other type of store that you can imagine.

You will also be close by to a great deal of restaurants, bars, and entertainment venues. If you have a young family, you will also get rid of all of those annoying carpools when you relocate to Boston. In the city people tend to meet up at designated times and places instead of traveling there together. Parents of young children end up spending a significant amount of their time driving other kids around in the suburbs.

Moving To Boston Will Save You The Time Of Commuting To Work

Then there is the commute to work of course. Moving to Boston may put you into a situation where you can permanently work from home. This could hold true even when things get back to normal. How many hours were you spending each day, week, month, and year commuting back and forth to work? Let’s say it took you an hour each way. That equals 2 hours per day, 10 hours per week, 50 hours per month, and 520 hours per year!

The number of hours that you spend commuting to and from work are astonishing when you add them up. Just image what you could be doing with all of that time instead of commuting. You could work more hours, which will make you more productive. That could equal a raise or even a promotion. You could use that time to start a side hustle or a side business. You could spend more time with family and friends. 520 hours of commuting per year equals nearly 22 days.

That means if you have an hour commute to work each way you are spending 22 days per year commuting. How much is your time worth? Put a dollar amount on it per hour. Then multiply that hourly figure by 520 hours. For example, if you feel that your time is worth $50 per hour multiple 50 x 520. That equals $26,000. In essence, your 1 hour each way commute is costing you $26,000 in time.

City Center Boston

The Cool Factor Of Living In Boston

Let’s face it. Living in a thriving city such as Boston is just plain cool. In fact, living in Boston is something that everyone should experience at least once in their lifetime. Boston has so much to offer. There is nothing quite like it. With Boston you get the unique combination of things that no other city can match. Old world charm, that predates the American Revolution, flows through the streets like water.

The history of the United Stated itself was born and bred in Boston. Some of the finest colleges and universities in the entire world are located in Boston. All cultures are welcome in this great city. We are also experiencing a resurgence in the technology arena that rivals Silicone Valley. When you add it all up, Boston is truly a special place that anybody would be proud to live in.

Work from home set up

Your Workspace Is Incredibly Important When You Work From Home

It can be a bit difficult to motivate yourself when working from home. It can be distracting to say the least. However, your job and your income depend on your productivity. That’s why you need to focus on the task at hand, which is being at work. A proper workspace will go a long way in making that happen. It starts by assigning a dedicated workspace for yourself. It’s actually one of the key aspects of working successfully from home.

A dedicated workspace results in a far deeper focus. There will be significantly less distractions. A dedicated room is ideal. If you don’t’ have the extra room in your Boston apartment you need to make the most of the space that you do have.

Keep Things Consistent And Customize Your Work Area

If you don’t have a dedicated room, you can use the dining room table. You can also use a desk in your bedroom. Some people even put a desk in the hallway or kitchen. It’s important to use the same workspace each day. Don’t use the living room on Monday and your bedroom on Tuesday. You need to keep things consistent. Think about how confusing it would be to have multiple desks at work. You’d never find anything. You’d never get anything done. It’s the same concept at home. It’s also important to customize your workspace environment.

You may not have a lot of choices where to set up your dedicated workspace. However, you have plenty of choices as to how it appears. That means you can personalize it any way you want. Keep in mind that it should both motivate you to work and make you feel comfortable. If you have a separate room where you can set up an office, it’s even easier. Even if you have a corner of a room, you can still decorate that corner.

Try putting some artwork on the wall. If motivational posters are your thing put some up. If plants and or flowers relax you, make sure to include them in your dedicated workspace. A healthy mindset goes a long way. It’s important to maximize your productivity when working from home. If you want to keep yourself motivated and organized a dedicated workspace is a must. Otherwise, it can be very easy to feel unanchored. That can quickly turn into a loss of focus.

man with coffee morning routine

Tips For Working At Home In Boston On A Permanent Basis

There is a great deal of positive aspects of working from home. However, it can be a bit difficult for some people. This is due to the fact that there are more distractions to deal with. In essence, you can easily end up spending your workday doing other things if you are not careful. This holds even more true when you live in a city such as Boston. There are just so many things you can do in Boston. However, it’s important that you actually work when you are supposed to. The following work from home tips will help you with that.

Come Up With A Morning Routine And Stay With It

When you worked in an office, or facility you had a morning routine that you did every workday. It’s like a ritual that keeps you on track and sets the tone for the entire day ahead. When you work from home your morning routine will not be the same. However, it’s incredibly important that you have a morning routine when you work from home. Once again, will set the tone for the entire day. It will help motivate you and keep you on track. Working from home gives you a great opportunity to have the dream morning routine. For example, you may have always wanted to work out before work but didn’t have time.

Now that you no longer need to commute, you can use that time to work out. The bottom line is that you need to force yourself to wake up and commit to the new routine until it becomes a part of your life. Having a morning routine is one if the key components to successfully working from home. It will help it feel more normal. Get up and get ready just like you would if working outside of the home. Some people even go so far as to get in their car and take a little drive before work. Even if it’s only down the street and back it may clear your mind for the upcoming workday

Proper office equipment

Have The Proper Technology On Hand

It’s important to secure all of productivity boosting tools that you need when working from home. If you work for a mid-size business or a large corporation it will be a whole lot easier. This is due to the fact that bigger companies will supply you with everything you need including the computer. They may even install a better, faster, and more secure online access for you. There’s a good reason why mid-size to large organizations will do this. It’s because they don’t want you getting hacked. If you use your own computer and access the Internet with a standard router you may get hacked.

However, if you work for a small company you may need to buy the equipment. If that’s the case, you may want to consider purchasing an upgraded monitor or even a dual monitor setup. It will go a long way in mimicking the office environment. Also make sure you have chargers for your smartphone and tablet handy in your office space. You certainly don’t need to waste time looking around the house for chargers during the workday. You may also want to purchase a good pair of noise cancellation headphones if you live in a loud neighborhood of Boston and or have children.

Dress For Success

You may find that it’s easier to get into work mode if you are dress for success. Some people find it easier to dress the same way as if they were going into the office. In essence it can make you feel more serious about work. It may also be part of your daily routine. A great deal of people that work from home only feel comfortable if they do things the same way. Dressing up in the proper manner can make you feel better about yourself.

If you look good you feel good. If you feel good you perform good. If you perform good you are more successful. It’s a mindset that you may want to try. This hold especially true if you need a motivational boost while working at home. If you’re in a slump, try changing things up a bit. Instead of wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt while working put on a suit or nice dress. You may very well find that it makes a big difference.

zoom meeting professional

Continue To Use Video Chats For Meetings

Due to to the current Covid crisis, face to face meetings have become non-existent. That is why people have turned to Zoom and other video conferencing systems. That could continue well into the future. In essence, why travel when you can set up a quick “in-person” meeting on your computer, tablet, or smartphone. The days of traveling on planes for hours on end for a 30-minute meeting may be over. Thanks to video conference calls you don’t need to attend meetings in person at the office. Since most people are now used to using video conference you may want to consider it instead of a phone call.

When you continue to use video chats for meetings after Covid ends, it will make your life working from home even easier. It’s also a great way to feel connected when you work from home by yourself. It’s helpful to see people’s facial expressions to see if they are either enthusiastic or confused. It’s far too easy to misinterpret a person’s tone when communicating by email. That same holds true when talking on the phone. Video meetings can also help with your morning routine since you need to shower every day. Remember that people can actually see you live on the screen.

Have A Set Time To End Your Workday

It’s important to remember that working from home means your only a few feet away from work. Much like having a dedicated workspace can help you focus, creating an end of the workday time frame will prevent you from burning out. Unless you have a call, meeting, or event, end your workday at a specific time. For example, try cutting out at 6 pm every night. It may also help to have an end of the workday routine.

You could start preparing dinner as soon as 6 pm rolls around. You’ll get to spend more time with family and friends that way. You can also just sit back and relax with a good book or your favorite TV show. Doing something on a consistent basis that marks a clear shift helps you mentally in tremendous manner.

Relocate to Boston

Relocate to Boston, You Won’t Regret It

In conclusion, Boston is a great place to live especially if you work from home. That means now may very well be the right time for you to relocate to Boston. The good news is that you are not alone. Boston Pads is here to help you each and every step of the way. We are here to help you locate the best Boston neighborhood for your needs. We will also help you find a great apartment within that neighborhood. In fact, Boston Pads is your number one source for everything related to Boston real estate. We have a full staff of dedicated real estate agents that are looking forward to hearing from you.

Contact one of our local real estate agents to get the process started today at You will also find a great deal of resources on our real estate hub. For example, you can take a virtual apartment tour. You can also use our Rent Affordability Calculator. That way you can see how much apartment you can afford based on your income and other variables.
We look forward to working with you.

Demetrios Salpoglou

Demetrios Salpoglou

Published March 30, 2021

Demetrios Salpoglou is the CEO of which is an information and technology based services company that provides cutting edge resources to real estate companies. Demetrios has developed over 90 real estate related websites and owns hundreds of domain names. Demetrios also owns and operates six leading real estate offices with over 120 agents.

Demetrios has pulled together the largest apartment leasing team in the Greater Boston Area and is responsible for procuring more apartment rentals than anyone in New England – with over 130k people finding their housing through his services. Demetrios is an avid real estate developer, peak performance trainer, educator, guest lecturer and motivational speaker.